PwC was an early supporter of these metrics, and we have been encouraging our stakeholders to use these metrics for their own reporting.
Last year we reported on the 21 core WEF metrics. This year we will do the same but also report on the additional 34 metrics that go into more detail on our impact in the four key areas of Principles of Governance, Planet, People and Prosperity.
Of the total 55 metrics, 16 are not relevant to PwC as a professional services network. Of the 39 metrics that are relevant to us, we are reporting fully against 16 metrics, partially against 19 and not reporting against the remaining four relevant metrics. A similar result to last year. We are proud of the work that we have done in relation to these metrics but there is always more we can do and we will strive to comply fully with more metrics in the future.
Our purpose: Build trust in society and solve important problems.
Our values: Act with integrity, make a difference, care, work together, reimagine the possible.
All of our partners and staff are required to complete annual training on PwC’s anti-corruption policies and procedures.
Our code of conduct sets out a common framework on how we expect our 364,000-plus people to behave.
As of 1 July, 2023, PwCIL’s Global Board has 19 members who are responsible for the governance of PwCIL and the PwC network. During FY23, the Board met 12 times.
Each member firm has access to a confidential ethics helpline.
On track to meet our near term science-based targets.
Reduced business travel emissions by 49% from FY19 baseline.
Reduced scope 1 & 2 emissions by 61% from FY19 baseline, with 91% of our electricity from renewable sources.
Delivered our third annual voluntary Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).
Working towards our FY25 target of 50% of suppliers (by emissions) having science-based targets, with 18% having targets and a further 10% committed to setting targets.
This year we’ve expanded our disclosures to include our land footprint in or adjacent to biodiverse regions and an estimate of our water use in water-stressed regions.
364,232 total headcount.
129,829 people joined PwC.
36,285 net new jobs created in the last year.
49% of workforce is female.
86% of our people are proud to work at PwC.
Average learning completions per month increased to 1.89 million (up from 1.87 million last year).
Global revenue US$53.1 billion up 9.9% over FY221.
Number of acquisitions: 17 (FY22: 17).
42,666 PwC people volunteered to support their communities.
Investments: US$3.7 billion compared with US$3.1 billion in FY22.
Volunteering time: 870,403 hours.
Total employment taxes paid by 21 largest firms US$2.2billion (estimate).
1: The 9.9% revenue growth reported is growth in local currency. In US dollars revenues grew by 5.6%
2: Some numbers may not add up to exactly 100% due to rounding.
3: All numbers are at 30 June 2023, the end of our 2023 financial year, unless otherwise stated.
4: Some of the data reported relates to the 21 PwC territories known as the Strategy Council. These countries or regions included in the Strategy Council are: Australia, Africa Central and Southern Africa, Brazil, Canada, Central and Eastern Europe, China, France, Germany, Italy, India, Japan, Korea, Mexico, Middle East, Netherlands, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United Kingdom and United States.
5: We report ethnicity data for nine of our larger territories. (We are unable to report ethnicity data for our other larger territories because either the territories do not collect this data or local laws prohibit sharing the data.) Each of the nine reporting territories has mapped the majority/minority ethnicity of its workforce.
6: Environmental data is provided by, or estimated for, each PwC member firm, and is then consolidated at the network level where a consistent methodology is applied for inclusion in this report.
7: Some FY22 metrics included data from PwC Russia where relevant, however Russia left the PwC Network on 4 July 2022 so no Russian data is included in the FY23 report.
8: In this report the terms PricewaterhouseCoopers, PwC, our, we and us are used to refer to the network of member firms of PricewaterhouseCoopers International Limited or, as the context requires, to one or more PwC member firms.
Sarah Brown
Director, Global Corporate Affairs and Communications, PwC United Kingdom
Tel: +44 7384 248 785