The following are our global contacts for Analyst Relations.
We'd love to hear from you.
Rob Donnelly
Rob Petrucelli
Leader, Analyst Relations, PwC United States
Heather Atkin
PwC Analyst Relations, London, PwC United Kingdom
Norbert Bras
EMEA Analyst & Advisor Relations Alliance Leader, London, PwC United Kingdom
Soma Chakraborty
PwC Analyst Relations, Kolkata, PwC India
Maryanne Coughlin
Jacqueline Heng
PwC Analyst Relations, Singapore, PwC Singapore
Vartika Khera
Dionne Lewis
Ridhima Mehra
Clinton Reed
Curtis Robinson
Sheena Sharma
Diane Todd
Michael Versace
PwC Analyst Relations, Boston, PwC United States